Yes, I remember Mr. Coffee. He kinda reminded me of Danny Devito. One day as we were all filing into the 124 building for lunch, he was out there as usual shouting his face off. This time a neighborhood lady was walking by with a little ankle biter type dog on a leash. All of his shouting must have startled the dog because he started barking and biting at Mr.Coffee's heels. Much to the delight of the crowd of Bethelites on the sidewalk, Mr. Coffee hopped around trying not to get bitten.
If you listened to him closely you realized that he was using phrases that individually made sense but none of them tied together into any kind of specific point other than he was really mad at the Watchtower. The rumor I heard was that he was thrown out because of something that happened between he and sister Knorr (pffft...of course ) his advances toward her were spurned etc and he got the boot.
Where else would you see such a sight like that other than at a JW Assembly. I don't think any other religion provokes such reactions from it's former members.